Thinking about giving blood?

Resident blood donor James Streeter appreciates the value of Lifeblood donations and likes to donate regularly.  If you haven’t donated for a while or keen to find out more, reach out to the Red CrossAt EnterpriseIS we love the feeling of giving the gift of life.


Did you know:

  • Australia requires around 3 donations every minute
  • A single donation can save 3 lives
  • Red bloods cells only last for 42 days
  • The red blood cells are used as follows,
    • 34% go to cancer and blood disease
    • 19% to treat anemia
    • 18% heart and organ surgery
    • 13% stomach & kidney disease
    • 10% fractures and joint replacements 
    • 4% pregnancy, new moms and children
    • 2% road incidents and trauma 
  • Average donation is 470ml (8%)
  • Donation time is 10 minutes 
  • You can donate every 12 weeks
  • Plasma can be given every 2 weeks 

Thinking about donating blood? With three blood donations needed every minute, your blood really matters. Find out why.


Contact us at the EnterpriseIS office nearest to you or submit an inquiry online.

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